Wiring Repair & Replacement on Cape Cod, MA

Is your wiring frayed? You need a wiring replacement to keep your family and house safe. Call E.F. Winslow Home Services at 508-394-7778 for wiring repairs and replacements on Cape Cod, MA.

Problems with your home wiring can be hazardous and even lead to fires and shocks. If you notice signs of malfunctioning, such as burning odors, call an expert as soon as possible. Trust E.F. Winslow Home Services for appointments in Yarmouth, MA. We offer extended-hour services.

Get added comfort to your house when you install a ceiling fan. Contact us for ceiling fan and chandelier services.

Common Problems With Electrical Wiring

Occasionally, your home’s wiring can experience issues that require professional repairs by an electrical contractor. Some common issues our electricians encounter in Yarmouth, MA, include:

  • Faulty connections can cause intermittent power loss, sparks, and other dangers.
  • Short circuits can trip circuit breakers, blow fuses, and potentially lead to fires.
  • Incorrect wiring can lead to issues, safety hazards, and damage to appliances and electronics.
  • Poor grounding can lead to electrical noise, interference, and safety issues.
  • Corrosion on the exposed metal parts of wires, connectors, and terminals leads to increased resistance and potential failure of the circuit.

When you notice these or other electrical problems, call our E.F. Winslow Home Services experts.